Friday, February 18, 2011

Let's try to fill this bucket - February 2011

February 2011

I told my friend that i liked his shirt and I also told him that he's good at basket ball player - Christian
I offered my Dad some soup that I made!!- Jaden
My grandma filled my bucket by putting 2 cookies in my lunch today- Jaida
Last music class we started practicing playing a new song called "Rockey Montain." There is 7 new players but all the others in the class had already played this song. Mr. brown asked a few of the more advanced players to help out. Everyone who was asked was excited to be able to help out one of there friends. It was an amzing feeling to be able to help out somebody and to be able to make sure that they would have success!!! It was sooo much fun!!!!! Best of all we were able to put some smileing faces and give more confidence to the players who needed help! I hope I can help out again soon!!!! - Darla
Hi I am here to report a bucket filling situation I witnessed someone comfort someone that got hurt on the playground at recess! - Emma i witnessed a bucket filler last week, it was my brother he helped my mom put away the dishes and then he played halo with me. - Mitchell 
I love going skating, and thanks to my awesome Grandma and Grandpa, i can do that whenever I want! Thank you Grandma and Grandpa, that lovely ice rink out in the field has filled my bucket since the begining of winter! thank you Grandma and Grandpa - Denbeigh